Tuesday, March 31, 2009

How fast is your credit card processing?

Are you ready to swipe your credit card for the very first time? Really? Or are you already on your way to your second credit card? By the way, do you know it takes ages for you to get your credit card processed?

Well, for starters let’s look into the credit card processing stage of your application and why does it take you ages to have that other card.

The first thing that your bank looks into in the stage of credit card processing is the account that you have in other credit card companies. Normally this part of the credit card processing stage—this is where people in banks get down and dirties with their records and other companies’ records. This would also include how long was the credit card processing stage when you applied for your other cards. This usually means that your bank is trying to find out how much your worth really is. This is the part where they categorize you in subgroups. This also usually means that it’s either you’re a good payer or they would have a have time chasing after you state to state.

If this happens in the credit card processing stage, the bank would usually require you to give them an alternate address where they send you the bill, by the way this just means that they want to be sure that you are going to pay! And if you get past this stage of the credit card processing with minor injuries to your ego, the next step will be to find out if you have any unpaid balances or other credit card processing with other banks. This just means that they are trying to find out how cards are able to for and you’ll be able to pay for theirs once you’ve passed the credit card processing stage. They usually do this to counter check if you do have the capacity of paying for a number of credit cards so they won’t get stuck a person that cant. And when you get passed this stage, still with minimal damage to your ego, the next step in the credit card processing stage is to verify your identity as a US citizen.

Because of the US Patriotic Act, everyone trying to get anything in the US is required to have their identities verified because they don’t want terrorist getting anything inside US soil especially getting past credit card processing. And the last part of getting past the credit card processing is to have all the things they need to check in order and to meet the standards of their company, in a nutshell, to get a credit card and to get through credit card processing, you must have other credit cards that are active. Two, you must be a good payer and three you must not have a last name that sounds like you are from Afghanistan—that is. Anyway, you might be having problems when it comes to your credit card processing, most it the time, it’s worth the wait. Credit cards is great financial tool is used correctly and properly. It will enable the credit card holder to manage his or her finances. Having a credit card also ensure not only your money and your life as well because it is very convenient compared to carrying cash or checks every time you have to buy or pay for something.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Credit card application for starters

“Plastic money” is a term dubbed by the people of the world in reference to the wondrous item called the “credit card.” And at the rate the economy is going and with the pace of life that we have right now we want everything done the express way. That’s why a lot of businessmen, young professionals, big bankers and even well-off students are lining up inside their trusted banks, credit card application in one hand and the need to have instant credit on the other.

Of credit, cards and credit card application
Credit card applications have taken over the need to have cold cash and a lot of people are trading in their hard-earned green bucks for a shot of having the charge-it-card. But along with your credit card application is the responsibility that we are mainly unaware of. So when you are thinking about falling in line to get started with your credit card account and before you start filling up the fields necessary to get up and running with your credit card application know all the precautions and the counter measures for you to be protected by the federal law. Credit card application, as we all know takes a lot of time with regards to the verification of the identity of the person on top of the credit card application. Because of the US Patriotic Act that requires further verification of anyone applying for anything on the United States, that includes credit card application, getting anything in the US has become quite a chore. But since the importance of having a credit card is top priority in the US many are still willing to go to immense amount of trouble that is coupled with it.

The importance of having a credit card is very imminent; take for example the average American. An average American from the middle class bracket owns about eight to ten different credit cards and uses all of them at an average if once a day. With this number it’s not surprising that there are about a hundred thousand credit card applications being processed in a single day. And the rate if credit card applications are still expected to rise within the next quarter. The need for credit cards and debit cards is for real and the market should be open for more credit card applications that is expectedly going to flood their way. There will be a great need for more people to look into the responsibility of educating other people on how and when to use their credit cards, because it’s hard earned greenbacks that we are throwing away when we buy online porno and junk like that only profit a few people. So whenever you’re ready grab a pen and paper and get ready to fill up that credit card application form and take one step in the express charging the way you buy.

Most of the time, although your credit card application is mailed to that states that you have been pre-approved, you will still be asked to fill out a credit card application or the ‘acceptance form’. The reason behind this is the need of the bank or the company to verify the identification of the person they have sent the card to. Since most companies offer online credit card application, you may go online to fill out the form so the processing will be convenient and easier.

When filling out your credit card application, there are some important details that should be considered aside from your name and contact information like the query should you accept every offer or not, the possibility of hidden fees that can be quite expensive and the like.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Shopping for a credit card?

Regardless of the type of credit card you choose, be sure to discuss your specific financial needs with your financial advisor or accountant before applying for any credit card. It is a must that you understand the benefits of having a credit card like safety, valuable consumer protections under the law, and the accessibility and availability of services. The most popular credit cards include Chase Manhattan Bank, Citibank, Bank of America, BankOne, American Express, Discover® Card, First Premier Bank, Advanta, HSBC Bank, and MasterCard Credit Cards.

Although having a credit card is synonymous to invincibility, this may also trigger a person’s thirst for material things and may lead into the temptation of buying something they don’t really need. A credit card bearer should always have in min that having a credit card is a big responsibility. If they don’t use it carefully, these may owe more than they can repay. It can also damage their credit report, and create credit problems that are quite difficult to repair.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

PrePaid Debit Cards

These are prepaid cards where the consumer puts a certain amount on a card carrying the Visa or MasterCard logo on them. Prepaid Visa & Prepaid MasterCard can be used anywhere that regular credit cards are accepted. Prepaid cards issued to a specific person, but are replenishable. Most of prepaid Visa & prepaid MasterCard cards require NO credit check or other verifications. Some prepaid debit cards offers cash back or rewards programs, other allows you to win big prizes in sweepstake programs. Another benefit is the ability of the cardholder to rent vehicles, make purchases online, and make cash withdrawals. Most of the prepaid credit cards allow direct deposit, so the user will not have to pay check-cashing fees.

Advantages of PrePaid Debit Cards

Accepted anywhere just like regular credit card.
Reports to major Credit Bureaus (Experian, Equifax, and TransUnion).
No Security Deposit. Bad Credit or No Credit OK.
No bank account required. No employment required.
Send money to family and friends, FREE!
No bill at the end of the month.
No check cashing fees.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Emergence of Credit cards

The emergence of electronic age made almost everything possible to people. Determining and curing terminal diseases made convenient, reaching uncharted territories became a possibility, and most of all; everyday life of people is made easy by the technology. We now have more convenient stores, easier means of transportation and a variety of gadgets that makes work and pleasure almost effortless.

When it comes to finances, technology—through efficient banking system and services—has given people better alternatives and options how to manage their finances. Among the so many financial management schemes that emerged, one alternative stands out among the rest—the credit card.

Credit card, especially to working people and those who live very busy lives, has become an ultimate financial “savior.” More than just being a status symbol or an add-on to expensive purses and wallets, credit card has revolutionized the way people spend their money.

But, more than the glamour and the convenience credit card brings, there is much more to this card than most people could ever imagine.

Credit Card 101
Before indulging much into the never-ending list of the advantages and disadvantages of having a credit card, it is very important for people to first have a brief realization of what credit card really is in order for them to maximize its potentials.

In layman’s terms, credit card is a card that allows a person to make purchases up to the limit set by the card issuer. One must then pay off the balance in installments with interest payments. Usually, credit card payment per month ranges from the minimum amount set by the bank to entire outstanding balance. And since it is a form of business, the longer the credit card holder wait to pay off his or her entire amount, the more interest pile up.

Since having a credit card is a responsibility, only those people who are of legal age and have the capability to pay off the amount they are going to spend through their credit card, is allowed to have one. Actually, most of the adults in the U.S. use credit card because this is very convenient compared to carrying cash or checks every time they have to purchase something.

It is also equally important to be familiar with the different types of credit cards before you begin to build up credit card balances and to avoid having a nightmare of debt. Since credit cards are indispensable to most consumers, it is a must that they understand the types of card that include charge cards, bankcards, retail cards, gold cards and secured cards. All of these types come in one of two interest rate options—the fixed and variable. Actually, it doesn’t really matter if you decide to have a fixed-rate credit card because the interest rate remains the same. Compared to variable rate cards where rate may be subject to change depends upon the credit card issuer’s discretion, fixed-rate carry higher interest rates. Basically, credit card grantors issue three types of accounts with basic account agreements like the “revolving agreement” a.k.a. Typical Credit Card Account which allows the payer to pay in full monthly or prefer to have partial payments based on outstanding balance. While the Charge Agreement requires the payer to pay the full balance monthly so they won’t have to pay the interest charges, the Installment Agreement, on the other hand, asks the payer to sign a contract to repay a fixed amount of credit in equal payments in definite period of time. Another category of credit card accounts includes the individual and joint accounts where the former asks the individual alone to repay the debt while the latter requires the partners responsible to pay. The common types of credit cards available through banks and other financial institutions also include Standard Credit Cards like Balance Transfer Credit Cards and Low Interest Credit Cards; Credit Cards with Rewards Programs like Airline Miles Credit Cards, Cash Back Credit Cards and Rewards Credit Cards; Credit Cards for Bad Credit like Secured Credit Cards and Prepaid Debit Cards; and Specialty Credit Cards like Business Credit Cards and Student Credit Cards.

Now that you have an idea how many types of credit card there is, it is now time to review your goals before applying for one. Some of the things you should consider is how will you spend with the credit card monthly, if you plan to carry a balance at the end of the month, how much are you willing to pay in annual fees, if you have a strong credit history and is does your credit in need of rehabilitation. Once you have an idea of what you are looking for choose the right credit card for you by researching the information you need that will fit your basic needs. You may also review the credit cards you’ve research and compare them.

Shopping for a credit card?
Regardless of the type of credit card you choose, be sure to discuss your specific financial needs with your financial advisor or accountant before applying for any credit card. It is a must that you understand the benefits of having a credit card like safety, valuable consumer protections under the law, and the accessibility and availability of services. The most popular credit cards include Chase Manhattan Bank, Citibank, Bank of America, BankOne, American Express, Discover® Card, First Premier Bank, Advanta, HSBC Bank, and MasterCard Credit Cards.

Although having a credit card is synonymous to invincibility, this may also trigger a person’s thirst for material things and may lead into the temptation of buying something they don’t really need. A credit card bearer should always have in min that having a credit card is a big responsibility. If they don’t use it carefully, these may owe more than they can repay. It can also damage their credit report, and create credit problems that are quite difficult to repair.

Credit Card Issuing

Get all types of credit card here. Credit Cards like Discover Credit Card, Visa credit card, Master Card, Amex Cards, Debit cards and Virtual Credit cards.Information on how and where to get your cards are unveiled in this blog.

Get some of these cards below